This Lab is head by Dr. Ankur Raina, who works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of EECS, IISER Bhopal. He worked as a researcher/scientist at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona with Prof. Bane Vasi. His research interests include classical and quantum information theory and coding, quantum optics, quantum cryptography, quantum algorithms, fault-tolerant quantum computation.
He obtained Ph.D. from the PNSIL Group of the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru under the supervision of Prof. Shayan Srinivasa Garani.
I worked in Infosys for two years, then graduated with an MTech from the Department of ECE, NIT Srinagar. I love playing Chess, Badminton and guitar. I love interacting with people and filling my empty notebook with their stories. As an engineer open to learning anything except biology.
I graduated with an MSc from the Department of Physics, NIT Jamshedpur, in May 2023. Also, the recipient of the Chanakya PG fellowship funded by i-HUB, IISER Pune. Well, I am just a guy who finds it difficult to understand the prescribed theories of natural dynamics. Always ready for a cup of coffee and biriyani from my dear Kolkata.
Just a kid passionate about technology, particularly computers. Engineering is what I do. My experiments range from fine-tuning working codes to engaging in academic research and occasionally cooking something-something in the kitchen. He is the currently the recipient of Chanakya UG fellowship funded by i-HUB, IISER Pune
She worked in the QuCIS lab as a research associate and was the recipient of Chanakya PG fellowship from i-HUB, Pune between July 2022 and April 2023. She is currently a PhD student in the Department of ECE, University of Arizona. An eccentric fellow in a heliocentric world who love learning about people, places and physics. :D